Mountain Moss — shade moss

Moss Landscaping Expertise 0
Creating moss landscapes is the specialty niche of Mountain Moss’ team of trained professionals. Mossin’ Annie provides expertise to landscape design architects and homeowners on how to achieve MOSS-some results! Phone and on-site consultations are the starting points. Impressive and innovative moss retreats, lush moss and stone paths, and moss lawns can be yours – no waiting for mosses to grow in – instant gratification – year-round green can be your reality!
Word of mouth is the best advertising. As a satisfied customer, you can help us with our marketing outreach to new clients by providing a review on Houzz.

Spreading the Moss Word 0
Blessed with the gift of gab, I’ve been enjoying sharing my passion for moss gardening at lectures around the country. It’s such a privilege to make new moss friends. In January while at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens at Duke University, my program drew the largest audience turnout ever for a Duke Garden Forum lecture! Upcoming public events in 2017 include UNC-Charlotte – Certificate in Native Plant Studies, June 10; Cullowhee Native Plant Conference, July 21; and Atlanta Botanical Gardens Lecture, August 22 and Workshop, August 23. For an informative and entertaining program, book Mossin’ Annie as a featured gardening speaker for your club meeting or conference.

FAQs and Inquiries 0
As much as I like to talk about moss, due to the volume of inquiries, I just can’t keep answering each person’s questions individually. But, you still have options. Many answers can be found by perusing our Web site or referring to my book.
For Frequently-Asked-Questions, please post your inquiry on Qutee -- ?Ask Mossin Annie which offers search functions to find archived moss topics of interest. (Give me a couple of months to catch up with all the questions accumulated in the que.) Finally, if you have special circumstances and want more specific advice, you can now schedule a telephone consultation which includes a review of your reference photos.
MOSS-apalooza -- September 5, 2015 0