Mountain Moss — living walls

FAQs and Inquiries 0
As much as I like to talk about moss, due to the volume of inquiries, I just can’t keep answering each person’s questions individually. But, you still have options. Many answers can be found by perusing our Web site or referring to my book.
For Frequently-Asked-Questions, please post your inquiry on Qutee -- ?Ask Mossin Annie which offers search functions to find archived moss topics of interest. (Give me a couple of months to catch up with all the questions accumulated in the que.) Finally, if you have special circumstances and want more specific advice, you can now schedule a telephone consultation which includes a review of your reference photos.
Timber to publish new moss gardening book 0
Mountain Moss is pleased and proud to announce that Timber Press, the world's largest publisher of gardening books, will be publishing my moss gardening book.
Needless to say, I am quite honored and excited to partner with this respected publisher. To share my passion and expertise with others has been a personal and professional goal. My book will answer key questions about “how-to” become a successful moss gardener. This 250 pp book will be loaded with pertinent info and enhanced by at least 200 impressive photographs. I hope my casual writing style will appeal to a wide audience (but I'll still be using some scientific terms for accuracy and clarification). Of course, lots of work lies ahead. Writing and print production will take well over a year. The editor has told me that the title will change several times before printing. So, expect my moss gardening book (by whatever title) to reach your local bookstore in 2015.
For those of you who know me personally, you'll realize this is a giant leap in my moss journey. I've paid my dues by researching topics and systematically conducting field experiments related to effective cultivation methods with various bryophytes, substrates, maintenance requirements and recommended watering regimes. I'm ready to share techniques so others can experience the joys of moss gardening. It's been a long trek but all my mossin' activities feed my spirit. Thanks to all my friends and supporters who have encouraged me to follow my mossy dreams!
Go Green With Mosses!
Mossin' Annie
PS Keep following our blog. We'll be reaching out to other gardeners to share their own moss gardening experiences and publication-quality photographs for possible inclusion in my book.