Botanical Info
Learning about mosses can be a challenge because most information on bryophytes exists only within the scientific community. Thankfully, resources on the Internet, particularly university Web sites, and the Princeton Field Guide on Mosses, now offer more detailed botanical references and photographs for moss lovers wanting to know more.
The botanical terminology with binomial nomenclature (scientific names for plant species) are derived from Greek and Latin words. To the lay person, these terms can be daunting when interpreting technical descriptions. Yet, common names create confusion and not all mosses have "other" names. Identification can be a challenge because of the diminutive size. Using a close-up loupe is helpful. In academia, microscopes are used to confirm species. While Mountain Moss is a business, we value educational outreach. Our site attempts to bridge this information gap and presents mosses in a manner that we hope is understandable to a wider audience. It is a challenge to translate the scientific explanation of bryophyte reproduction into lay terms. It may require your repeated review to soak in all this detailed information and botanical terminology. To augment your knowledge, you can learn more from Mossin' Annie's book, The Magical World of Moss Gardening.
Mosses -- Bryophyta |
Liverworts -- Marchantiophyta |
Hornworts -- Anthocerotophyta |
Note: Like other vascular plants, all bryophytes use photosynthesis to make their own food from water and carbon dioxide. Sustenance is derived from rainwater, mist and dew as well as nutrients in dust particles.
Non-vascular plants – lacking the ability to transport water or nutrients through an internal system. Actually lacking lignin. Mosses do have cells with ability to transport water.
No roots, instead rhizoids – filamentous, anchoring structures without absorptive qualities of roots.
No cuticle (waxy substance coating leaves) – allowing leaves to completely absorb all water and nutrients through leaf surfaces
Leaves are generally only one cell layer thick
No flowers and, therefore, no seeds for reproduction
Alternate generations – Gametophytic stage and Sporophytic stage comprise reproductive cycle
Produce phenolic and related compounds that deter herbivores
Produce their own "anti-freeze"
Acrocarpus mosses
Upright growers with sporophytes that typically grow from the top of the plant. Size may vary from tiny species to tallest ones.
Pleurocarpus mosses
Sideways growers which have sporophytes that emerge from prostrate (sideways; horizontal) stems or branches.
Bryophyte Reproduction
Bryophytes reproduce through alternate generations which means they go through two main stages -- gametes (plants with sexual organs) and sporophytes (spore-bearing plants). Bryophyte gametes start in the protenema stage of hairlike filaments forming a mat. It will grow into a plant with a stalk and leaves. Individual plants live in colonies which may include other bryophyte types, cryptogams or vascular plants. Plant colonies will have both male (antheridia) and female (archegonia) organs growing on the same plant monoecious or bisexual or nearby as a separate plants dioecious or unisexual. Under moist conditions, the sperm produced by the male organ will swim to fertilize the egg produced by the female organ. Check out this video for more scientific details the life cycle of mosses-bryophytes.
The alternate generation begins as the fertilized egg develops during the sporophytic state of reproduction. At the base of the new plant, spores are created that move up through the tiny stem-like structure called a seta. The spores accumulate in the spore capsule (calyptra). When mature, the spores will be released all at once or in bursts prompted by the wind. Although other types contain far fewer spores to disperse, the capsule of a Polytrichum moss can hold up to one million spores. The incredible power of spores exploding is extraordinary as illustrated by this video produced by Dwight Whittaker and Joan Edwards in their research on vortex rings created from Sphagnum moss spore explosions. The spores dispersed at speeds of 65 miles per hour in a mushroom cloud that resembles a nuclear explosion.
Sometimes these setae are short or they could be tall depending on the bryophyte type. During this sporophytic stage, moss setae and spore capsules will display an array of brilliant colors -- bronzes, golds, scarlets. The sporophytic stage, in some mosses, may be apparent for months as they mature. In contrast, liverworts are far less showy with clear or whitish setae and sporophytes that may last only a few days. In the case of Marchantia, a liverwort, it has a complex, umbrella-like structure for its spore capsules. Horns on hornworts are the equivalent of sporophytes.
Beyond this alternate generation process with gametophyte and sporophytes, bryophytes can reproduce through fragmentation and vegetative reproductive processes. These hardy little plants are determined to spread one way or another. Literally, fragments of plants can grow into new plants when moved by wind, water or birds/animals disturbing their habitats. Another absolutely amazing aspect of mosses is that fragments don't have to land right side up. Mosses can grow from even the base or stems of moss fragments. Leucobryum (Pincushion moss) can grow into a ball or what I call a moss cookie with green growth on all sides if rotated. I've heard that moss balls roll across the moors of Ireland.
The vegetative reproductive process is a bit more complicated botanically. It involves the production of gemmaes, usually growing directly off stems and are visible only under a microscope. These tiny, green balls (propagules), which get their name from the Latin for "jewels," are developed in cup-like structures. Gemmae balls can be dispersed to new locations and will grow into new gametophytes (bryophyte plants-1st stage).
Differences between Mosses and Liverworts
Mosses and liverworts may be confused by the casual "moss lover." A forest with an expanse of green might actually be liverworts (thalloid-with big leaves). The other type of liverworts (leafy- with tiny leaves) adorn barks of trees and are usually so small that you would need a hand lens or microscope to see the distinctions. In fact, some of the differences between mosses and liverworts will need to be observed with a closer look through a microscope.
Please note: There are always exceptions to the rules.
Mosses |
Liverworts |
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