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Kenilworth Moss Garden -- Hands-on Workshop #2 -- April 17, 2024

Product Description

MOSS Gardening 101: Interactive Moss Landscaping Workshop led by Mossin’ Annie at the Kenilworth Moss Garden, Asheville, NC

Workshop #2:  Wednesday, April 17, 2024     10 am – 2:30 pm 

(Register on different page for Workshop #1:  Wednesday, April 10, 2024)


Attention: MOSS LOVERS and Native Plant Enthusiasts

These intensive moss gardening workshops will happen RAIN or SHINE!

Pre-registration is required. Register early to confirm your workshop attendance. Space is limited to a maximum of 20 people per workshop.

Cost: $65 per person per workshop plus processing fee ($3.25) = $68.25

If you are a moss lover or native plant enthusiast, here’s your chance to experience a “once in a lifetime opportunity” in one of the most impressive moss gardens in the United States. Created in the 1960s by Asheville landscape design architect, Doan Ogden, the Kenilworth Moss Garden exemplifies ways that mosses can be featured in today’s landscapes. Yet, it needs a bit of sprucing up to showcase its moss magnificence. Whether you are an aspiring moss gardener or already a successful moss gardener on your own, join Mossin’ Annie, nationally-recognized moss gardening expert, in restoring this moss landscape to its original glory in preparation for an upcoming community special event.

A native of Asheville, NC, Annie Martin is the author of The Magical World of Moss Gardening and a licensed NC Landscape Contractor. She will provide valuable guidance in maintaining and restoring moss lawns, paths and focal features. Hands-on instruction will include basic maintenance activities and the repair of mossy areas that have been impacted by critter damage. Demonstration of best methods for planting moss colonies and utilizing moss “frags” will be included in the workshop. Through participatory education and professional guidance, Mossin’ Annie will lead participants through this interactive learning process.

Important: ALL moss workshop attendees will participate in intensive maintenance duties for four hours. Participants must be able to sit, kneel and move while performing gardening activities without special accommodation.

Schedule: Please arrive before 10 am to allow yourself time to park and to gather in the main moss garden area for a group orientation. Parking is available in the driveway or along the street. Please carpool when possible.

10 am – 12 noon: Workshop introduction and team assignments; weeding and repairing/planting target moss locations; installing protective netting to minimize future damage and debris removal tasks.

12 noon - 12:30 pm: Lunch break (please bring your own lunch)

12:30 pm – 2:30 pm Completion of team goals and tasks; clean-up project areas

These intensive moss gardening workshops will happen RAIN or SHINE!

What to Bring: Bag lunch, snacks and water/drinks for yourself. Although not required, you may bring the following garden tools if you wish: trowel, small rake, heavy-duty spatula, whisk broom/brush, battery-powered leaf blower, etc.

Appropriate Attire: Wear comfortable clothing with the expectation that you’ll probably get dirty and maybe wet. Dress in layers and be prepared for cool temperatures in the morning and warmer afternoon weather. Rain gear is advised because this workshop will happen RAIN or SHINE. Most importantly, wear flat-soled shoes or boots. Do not wear hiking boots, crocs or other footwear with treads. Bathroom facilities will be available onsite.

Medical Concerns: If you have any health issues of concern (especially allergies), please inform the workshop leader in advance.

NO REFUNDS: This event is non-refundable. Once registered and confirmed, your place is reserved. Space is limited to a maximum of 20 people for each workshop.

Note: The Kenilworth Moss Garden is a private residence and not a public garden. The specific address will be provided to workshop attendees upon registration.

